The thought of retaining, and throwing away those years of hard graft, to start all over again can feel inconceivable to most. Maybe your current job isn’t ideal, but throwing away all that experience due to apathy is just reckless, right? At Aspiring Accountants, we think not. Changing career is rarely an easy task, but it is almost always rewarding. And you might be surprised to hear that almost half of the UK population would like to make a career change according to a report by the London School of Business and Finance.
Today we look at how to determine whether you’re ready for a career change and discuss a few retraining tips to make sure you take the right steps.
Are You Ready?
Waking up on Monday morning with a complete sense of indifference towards the working week is an all-too-familiar feeling for many employees. But before you hand in your notice and start living the life you’d always dreamed of, consider whether it’s the career or the company causing you to reach the levels of detachment only present in inanimate objects. Working for an employer that drains the life out of the profession you once loved is easily confused with boredom for a career. It may be that you just need to change employer to rediscover your original raison d’ȇtre.
Retraining Tips: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Desperation can make people do questionable things (Ol’ Gil Gunderson is a testament to that, and he’s changed careers more times that we can count). Before jacking the whole thing in, it’s vital to find a level of sustainability where you will have time to find professional success; it may not be sensible to think you’ll fall on your feet from day one in your new career change. Remember, you might have no experience or relevant qualifications; that might be a pretty compelling reason not to select you from the list of applicants. Before leaving your current position (sorry, the struggle must continue), start investigating the type of training or experience you need to fulfil the criteria for a particular role in a new sector. If, for example, you want to become an accountant, you can begin studying an AAT qualification. Each level has a selection of roles for which you will be qualified.
Retraining Tips: Look Forward
Is there a phrase anymore cliche than ‘technology is changing the way we work’? Perhaps not, but guess what? Technology is changing the way we work! Getting ahead in a new career and making yourself a future-proofed employee can be achieved by looking at where the sector is heading in terms of tech. Having an understanding of taxing blockchain currencies and the future of this accounting topic is sure to get you noticed in the accounting sector. In short, get the necessary qualifications to enter the profession, then work on becoming an expert in a future-proofed topic.
The accounting profession is in need of talented workers. There’s currently a shortage of qualified accountants, making this the ideal time to retrain in the accounting sector. Check out our AAT Essentials – Jobs section for more information on the types of roles you could get by achieving each AAT level. Flexible study options are available. Contact an Aspiring Accounting course advisor today for free, impartial career change advice.