Key dates

Throughout the financial year, there are specific dates that need to be noted. If you’re an accountant or a business owner, you’ll already be well-aware of these.

For those entering a career in accountancy, you’ll soon learn the financial periods of importance, but in case you’re just starting out and you’re not sure what these are or when they fall, we have compiled a list of Key UK Tax Dates for 2017-2018…

The below Key Tax Dates have been spilt into PAYE (Pay as You Earn) and Self-Assessment.

PAYE Key Tax Dates

5 April 2017: Deadline for claiming your PAYE tax refund for the 2012/13 tax year

6 April 2017: First day of the new tax year 2017/18

31 May 2017: Copies of 2016/17 P60 documents issued to employees

6 July 2017: Copies of 2016/17 P11d documents issued to employees

6 July 2017: Last date for agreeing payment settlements agreements for 2016/17 if applicable

6 April 2018: End of tax year 2017/18

Self-Assessment Key Tax Dates

31 January 2017: Deadline for 1st payment on account for 2016/17 tax year

5 April 2017: Deadline for claiming tax overpaid for the 2012/13 tax year under self-assessment

6 April 2017: First day of the new tax year 2017/18

6 April 2017: Time to gather detailed documents for your 2016/17 tax return and if you’re self-employed or have income from property in the year ended 5 April 2016

31 May 2017: Last date to give employees a form P60 for 2016/17

31 July 2017: Deadline for 2nd payment on account for tax year ending 5 April 2017

5 October 2017: Deadline to register with the HMRC if you became self-employed or started receiving income from property. You should submit a form CWF1 for self-employment or form SA1 for non-self-employed income to HMRC

31 October 2017 (midnight): Deadline for paper self-assessment returns for 2017/18 tax year

30 December 2017: Deadline for online submission of self-assessment tax returns for year ending 5 April 2017 for HMRC to collect tax through PAYE tax codes where they owe less than 3,000

31 January 2018 (midnight): Deadline for online self-assessment tax returns for 2016/17 tax year

31 January 2018 (midnight): Deadline for paying tax bill for tax year ending 5 April 2016/17

5 April 2018: End of tax year 2017/18

Limited Company Tax Returns and Accounts

You need your accounts and tax return to file with the HMRC and Companies House, at the end of the company’s Financial Year.


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