The Aspiring Accountants Accounting News category is rather self-explanatory. Hence this section contains articles relating to news in the accounting sector. Prospective, current and former accounting students will, therefore, find this category beneficial as they can keep up-to-date with everything going on in the accounting world.
You can expect to find articles on the big accounting qualification providers: AAT, CIMA and ACCA and any news relating to them. Informative and advisory content is provided to help aspiring accountants get a better grip on the industry. Former students will find articles on career progression and will benefit from news relating to the sector as a whole. Our article on the accounting shortage is an example of this. Other posts include what Brexit means for accountants and what’s the difference between bookkeeping and accounting? Look out for articles from our entertaining Key Hole Accounting section, too – they tend to sprout from news stories. Therefore you will gain both serious and fun articles in the accounting news category.
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